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Sticky Traps vs. Cockroaches: Debunking Myths and Unleashing Facts


Let's talk about cockroaches! These creepy crawlies are a common problem in homes and buildings. But did you know that using insecticides or pesticides to get rid of them can be harmful to you and your family? Luckily, there's a better way! Sticky traps are a safe and effective alternative to toxic chemicals.

Let's explore some of the facts and myths about using roach sticky traps to eliminate them from your home.

Here are some essential facts to keep in mind:

Sticky traps work great for catching cockroaches: These traps are specifically designed to capture cockroaches and other bugs. They work by using a particular odor to lure cockroaches to a sticky strip. Once the cockroaches walk on the strip, they get stuck and can't escape until you remove them. Sticky traps are safe, easy to use, and can be placed anywhere you suspect cockroaches are present.

Sticky traps can help identify infested areas: You can figure out where most of the roaches are in your home or building by setting up a few traps in different areas. Sticky traps can also help you identify the type of cockroach species  you're dealing with, since different species have unique ways of moving around inside a building.

Sticky traps are safe for pets and kids: Don't worry about using sticky traps around your furry friends or little ones. These traps have a glue-like substance that's strong enough to catch roaches but not toxic and won't harm people or pets.

Here are some common myths you may have heard but should know the truth about:
Sticky traps are harmful: No need to worry! Sticky traps are completely safe for people and pets since they're made of a non-toxic glue-like substance.

Sticky traps catch all cockroaches: While they can be effective, sticky traps may not catch all types of cockroaches. Some species, like Oriental and German cockroaches, may not be caught by sticky traps. So, it's essential to use other  roach pest control products in addition to sticky traps.

Sticky traps attract cockroaches: Not exactly. Sticky traps aren't necessarily attractive to cockroaches, but when placed in suitable locations, they can be very effective at catching them. Place sticky traps near cracks, crevices, appliances, furniture, drains, and garbage disposal areas for best results. Also, don't forget to put them in warm, moist places, like the bathroom and kitchen.


Now that you know the truth about sticky traps and cockroaches, you can decide how to deal with a roach infestation. Remember, don't fall for the common myths and keep your home clean; use cockroach sticky traps strategically, and consider seeking professional help if needed. With the right approach, you can keep your home roach-free and enjoy a happy and healthy living environment.