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Cloud Based Intranet - Is It Worth Your Investment?


· Intranet

An intranet is a privately owned network that is a must-have tool for many organizations. It acts as a repository from where the employees can access all the information about an organization and collaborate with each other without any hassle. While the primary goal of intranet platforms is to support and engage employees, a cloud-based intranet can offer you a wide range of benefits, including:

  • Enhance employee engagement and collaboration
  • Improve internal communication and employee productivity
  • Build a transparent corporate culture
  • Streamline and automate your tasks

However, when it comes to choosing an intranet platform, it becomes difficult to decide between owning and renting intranet software. Since every business has its own needs, which type of intranet system you should opt for depends on various factors. So, here are a few factors that you should consider when choosing between owning and renting an intranet software.

Owning V/S Renting Intranet System - Factors You Need to Consider

1. Initial startup & long-term costs: While startups and small businesses opt for cloud-based intranet software, large companies prefer an on-premise intranet platform so that they have complete control over its functioning. However, the initial cost of installing the intranet system is quite high. Moreover, it may take a few weeks to months to ensure the system runs smoothly. 

So, organizations that need collaboration tools that can be used on the go must opt for hosted architecture. However, if you have a small business and don’t have enough budget, you can opt for cloud-based intranet software.

2. The scalability factor: The demand for business intranet services grows as small-to-medium-sized businesses grow. At times, a cloud-based intranet provides you the flexibility to add and reduce the number of intranet users. In addition, a cloud-based intranet needs a few configurations to cater to the growing needs of an organization. However, it tends to be costly if you want some major amendments.

On the other hand, since during on-premise solutions, you have complete control of the system, and it offers you the flexibility to add features at your own pace, they may be more resilient to scalability issues & you have to deal with huge IT costs.

3. Cloud collaboration risk factors: When you opt for a third-party tool to manage your organization’s confidential data, be it contracts, patents, trade secrets, you are likely trusting them & they have all the information about your company. However, most of the intranet for small businesses offers you the flexibility to choose between single tenancy and multi-tenancy options, enabling you to choose the safest option for your enterprise. When you choose on-premise collaboration software, you can set up your privacy and security rules as per your choice. But if you choose cloud-based software, you may lose all your data. Even if you have a backup of your data, you can do anything in case of hardware damage.

The Bottom Line

Like anything else has its own pros and cons, the cloud-based intranet software can have its own benefits and drawbacks. Which one you choose all depends on your business size and requirements. So, before you decide between on-premise and cloud-based intranet solutions, it is good to understand your business requirements and goals.If you are looking for the best enterprise communication software, you can opt for GreenOrbit. If you are still confused about whether you should opt for on-premise intranet software or cloud-based intranet, our experts can help you analyze what system is better for you. For more information, explore the website here: