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Burnham Gas Boiler Overheating: Cause, Signs & How to Fix it

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Burnham Gas Boiler Overheating: Cause, Signs & How to Fix it


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Overheating of a boiler is a serious issue that can end up in an explosion. Luckily, modern boilers are coming with high safety features that lockout the unit before the boiler overheats. However, uncertainties can happen at any time. In case your Burnham gas boiler safety measures fail, then it's vital to take certain steps before the damage occurs. 

Why do Boilers Overheat?

As mentioned above, the overheating of the boilers is due to the failure of safety features. The modern boilers will show you the error code displayed on the digital screen to alert you that there is something wrong with the unit.  

When the hot water is sent to the central heatings system, the boiler overheats. The hot water doesn't circulate properly and damages the parts of the boilers, such as a pump. 

Why is an Overheating Boiler a Problem?

When the boiler is overheated, the elements or components of the boiler will melt and release toxic smoke in the nearby areas. However, in the worst scenarios, it can explode, which will damage the properties within its limits. This could lead to casualties.  

Usually, Burnham gas boilers come up with modern and secure features. So, you don't need to worry much. Moreover, the boilers will alert you in advance before such worst things become a reality.  

Causes & Signs of Overheating  

1: Accumulation of Limescale

When limescale is built upon the heat exchange, the flow of water is stopped, which leads to overheating. The what exchanger is a very important part of the boiler as it heats the cooler water and then sends it around the radiators.  

2: Blockage in the System 

It's very important to notice the strange sounds coming from the central heating system. Most people overlooked it, and it is a core reason that indicates blockage. Another sign is when radiators start functioning poorly. When radiators don't heat up adequately, that can be a sign of excess air in the radiator.  

3: Fault with the Pump

The role of the pump is to circulate water in the central heating system. Whenever there is a fault in the pump, then understand that the boiler can easily overheat. You need to seek assistance from a heating engineer who can repair or replace the pump. 

How to Fix an Overheating Boiler

It's essential to fix the issue, which is the cause of the overheating. The common issues that we have discussed above will only be fixed by an expert. So, ensure you are not taking the risk to solve the problem of overheating. It requires technical skills and expertise to fix the problem.  

Even in many countries, the law is against someone who is not qualified or certified to repair the boiler. Also, make sure when your boiler is getting repaired by a heating engineer, then the person is certified along with skills & experience. They must show you the ID they hold.  

Final Thoughts 

Many of the common signs refer to the build-up of debris in the heat exchange or in the pipelines. One can install a magnetic filter that gathers rust & debris. Some also install the central heating inhibitor to their heating system. However, these features are by default present in the modern Burnham gas boilers.