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A Guide Explaining Everything That Hurts Residential Appraisals

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You selected the residential property and the buying procedure is near. Before you make a final move, you contact an appraiser in order to get the residential appraisals done. In a week the appraiser will be there and everything will begin. However, as a homebuyer are you aware of what all factors can hurt the appraisal procedure? There is no denying that the opinion of an appraiser matters a lot whether you want to purchase a property, sell it, or opt for refinancing. Henceforth, it is imperative that you prepare yourself for the appraisal so that everything works perfectly for you. So what do you precisely do? Well, all you have to do is be familiar with all the factors that can hurt the appraisal process.

In this piece of information, we have explained the factors that can hurt your appraisal. Take all of them into consideration and make sure that none of them is taken for granted.

What factors hurt residential appraisals?

  • A location that is less desirable: 

An appraiser will take into account the neighborhood characteristics of the property you are interested in. One of the characteristics is whether or not the area where the property is located is growing or not. Apart from this, an appraiser will also look for whether or not the property has nearby reputed schools, parks, access to malls and restaurants. A residential property that is located in a neighborhood where the crime rate is high, schools do not receive appreciation, and there are no parks for children who do not obtain great value. Henceforth, make sure to purchase a property that has all the essential characteristics that are mentioned above.

  • A real estate market that is slow: 

An appraiser will also take into consideration the conditions of the local market. If the value of the property is reducing, a property is taking more than six months to sell, or if there is an oversupply of homes, all of these are clear indications that the real estate market is not strong at all. So do consider the real estate market before finalizing a property.

  • Bad layout: 

A lot of properties were constructed a long time back. Most of the owners leave the property as it is and they leave everything for anyone who will buy it in the future. However, this should not be the case. If the property you have selected has a bad layout, there are higher chances that it won’t get more value. So make sure to finalize a residential property that has a wonderful layout. This is because everything about the condition of the property will be mentioned in the appraisal report. Therefore, make a wise decision here.

These are some of the factors that will hurt residential appraisals. Keep all of them in mind before an appraiser reaches you for the appraisal procedure. Also, if you are someone who wants to opt for a commercial building appraisal anytime soon, do check the factors that can hurt its appraisal too.